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Delhi, 5 months ago

Who Killed Kumbhkaran?

"Who Killed Kumbhkaran?" is a popular question in Hindu mythology, particularly from the epic Ramayana. Kumbhkaran was a legendary character in the Ramayana, known for his enormous size, immense strength, and his penchant for sleeping for long periods of time.

According to the Ramayana, Kumbhkaran was a demon, the brother of...Show More

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Delhi, 5 months ago

Who Is The Biggest Enemy Of Lord Hanuman?

In Hindu mythology, Lord Hanuman, also known as Maruti or Bajrangbali, is a central figure in the epic Ramayana and is revered as a symbol of strength, devotion, and loyalty. While Hanuman is known for his unwavering dedication to Lord Rama and his exemplary deeds,...Show More

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Delhi, 5 months ago

Who Created Brahma?

In Hindu mythology, Brahma is considered one of the principal deities of the Hindu pantheon, responsible for the creation of the universe and all living beings. According to Hindu cosmology, Brahma emerges from the cosmic golden egg (Hiranyagarbha) at the beginning of each cycle of creation, known as the...Show More

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Delhi, 5 months ago

Which Religion Is The Oldest?

Hinduism is often cited as one of the oldest known organized religions, with its roots tracing back to the ancient civilizations of the Indus Valley around 2500 BCE. It's indeed one of the oldest continuously practiced religions in the world.

Hinduism is a complex and diverse religious tradition that has evolved...Show More

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Delhi, 5 months ago

How Lord Ram Once Sentenced Hanuman to Death

Here’s the intriguing tale of how Lord Ram once sentenced Hanuman to death:

After Lord Ram returned to his kingdom from exile, Narada Muni instructed Hanuman to greet all the sages at the court. However, Narada Muni cunningly misled Hanuman into believing that he should not greet Sage Vishwamitra....Show More

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Delhi, 5 months ago

Where Is Lord Rama Now?

In Hindu mythology and religious beliefs, Lord Rama is considered an incarnation of the god Vishnu and is revered as a divine figure, particularly in the epic Ramayana. However, it's important to note that Hinduism doesn't typically posit its deities as residing in specific physical locations in the...Show More

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Delhi, 5 months ago

Who Is Father Of Shiva?

In Hindu mythology, Lord Shiva is considered one of the principal deities of the Hindu pantheon, and his origins are deeply rooted in ancient scriptures and legends. The question of who is the father of Shiva is a complex one, as it depends on the particular tradition or mythology...Show More

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Delhi, 5 months ago

30 Lord Rama Quotes in Sanskrit

भगवान राम के उद्धरणों की महत्ता को संस्कृत में व्यक्त करना सरलता से संभव है। उनके उपदेशों ने समाज में सद्भावना, साहस, धर्म, और न्याय की महत्ता को प्रमाणित किया है। उनके श्रेष्ठ उद्धरण जीवन के विभिन्न पहलुओं को प्रेरित करते हैं। एक उदाहरण के रूप में, "शीलं परम भूषणं"...Show More

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50+ Vasant Panchami Wishes & Photos for 2024 in HD

Looking for Vasant Panchami wishes for 2024? You've come to the right place! Find heartfelt blessings and joyous greetings right here.

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Temples in Karnataka List With Names

Seeking temples in Karnataka? Discover our curated list of the top 100 most renowned temples in Karnataka, offering a comprehensive guide to the state's rich spiritual heritage right here.

Temples in Karnataka List With Names
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Temples in Kerala List With Names

Looking for temples in Kerala? Explore our curated list of the top 100 most famous temples in the state right here, offering a comprehensive glimpse into Kerala's rich spiritual heritage.

Temples in Kerala List With Names
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Diwali This Year 2024 Date, History, Celebration, Puja

01 November 2024

Diwali This Year 2024 Date, History, Celebration, Puja, Friday

Diwali, the festival of lights, celebrates the victory of good over evil and the triumph of knowledge over ignorance, illuminating homes and hearts with joy and hope.

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Abhia, 5 months ago

Sainath is always with me

सितारा नहीं, परछाई हैl

 साथ में चलने वाले मेरे, मेरे  साईं  हैं!

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Abhia, 5 months ago

Sai is waiting for you

आओ बंधु, आओ भाई l

प्रतीक्षा में है तुम्हारे, तुम्हारे  साईं!

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Abhia, 5 months ago

Sai bhajan

 साईं है प्यास 

साईं है कुआंl

 साईं है आग

साईं है धुआl

देखो साईं आया

 आया साईं आयाll


 शैतान के घर में हम 

 जाने को  बढ़ाए थे  कदमl

 साईं ने रोक लिया

 गले से लगा लियाl

   ओ साईं तेरा  शुक्रियाll

( पहलl अंतरl)

 इस जहां के सब के सब

 पीने को आए साईं शराबl

   साईं ही  जुआ 

सबको जीता दियाll

   (दूसरा अंतरl)

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India Republic Day Wishes

Celebrate India's 75th Republic Day with wishes that echo 75 years of freedom, unity, and pride. Customize and share unique greetings at for a heartfelt tribute to this historic milestone.

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Happy Thaipusam 2024 Wishes Images, Photos, Quotes

Discover the best Happy Thaipusam Wishes at our site, crafted with love and devotion to bring joy to your family and loved ones. Share the spirit of Thaipusam with our heartfelt wishes, creating cherished moments of celebration together.

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Delhi, 6 months ago

Bhagwan Ram Family Tree (भगवान राम का वंशावली )

हिन्दू धर्म में भगवान राम को एक प्रतिष्ठानीय और पौराणिक व्यक्ति माना जाता है, जो अपनी श्रीमद् रामायण में विविध लीलाएं और शिक्षाएं सिखाते हैं। भगवान राम का वंश, सूर्यवंश के रूप में जाना जाता है, जिसमें राम चालीसवीं पीढ़ी के होते हैं। यह वंशावली भगवान राम के पूरे...Show More

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Delhi, 6 months ago

Bhagwan Ram Ke Vanshaj Kon Hey

भगवान राम के वंशजों का विवरण भारतीय पौराणिक ग्रंथों, विशेषकर रामायण, महाभारत, और पुराणों में मिलता है। भगवान राम रघुकुल श्रीराम के पुत्र थे और उनके वंशजों को राघव वंश कहा जाता है। निम्नलिखित है भगवान राम के वंशजों के कुछ महत्वपूर्ण नाम:

1.    लव और कुश: भगवान राम...Show More

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Delhi, 6 months ago

Bhagwan Ram Ke Naam

"Bhagwan Ram ke naam" का मतलब है कि ये विभिन्न नाम या संज्ञानात्मक शीर्षक हैं जो हिन्दू धर्म में प्रमुख रूप से पूजे जाने वाले भगवान राम से जुड़े हैं, जो प्राचीन भारतीय काव्य, रामायण के प्रमुख पात्र हैं। भगवान राम को भगवान विष्णु के सातवें अवतार के रूप...Show More

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Delhi, 6 months ago

राम आएँगे तो, आयोध्या आज सजेगी

सबकी जिंदगी के भाग,
आज खुल जाएंगे,
जब आज राम अयोध्या आएँगे,
राम आएँगे, आएँगे,
राम आएँगे।

राम आएँगे तो,
आयोध्या आज सजेगी,
दीप जलाकर,
दिवाली आज मनाएंगे,
सबके जन्मों के,
पाप आज मिट जाएंगे,
राम आएँगे,
सबके की जिंदगी के भाग,
आज खुल जाएंगे,
राम आएँगे॥

राम खाएगें तो,
खाना मैं खिलाऊंगी,
बड़िया बड़िया पकवान,
मैं बनाउंगी ,
सबके जन्मों के,
सारे दुःख आज मिट जाएंगे,
राम आएँगे तो,
आयोध्या आज...Show More

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