Hindu Gods

Brahma is the Hindu God associated with creation, depicted with four heads symbolizing knowledge, adorned in regal attire holding sacred texts, and revered as the creator of the universe in Hindu cosmology.

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Lord Ganesha, revered in Hinduism, is depicted as a deity with an elephant head, symbolizing wisdom, intellect, and the removal of obstacles, while his gentle and loving nature embodies auspicious beginnings and success.

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Bhagwan Hanuman ji, a revered deity in Hinduism, is depicted as a strong, orange-hued figure with a monkey face, known for his unwavering devotion to Lord Rama and immense physical strength.

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Lord Krishna, a revered deity in Hinduism, embodies divine love, wisdom, and compassion, celebrated for his teachings in the Bhagavad Gita and his playful, enchanting nature.

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Lord Rama, an epitome of righteousness and virtue, embodies grace, valor, and unwavering devotion, central to the Hindu epic Ramayana's tale of dharma (righteousness) and valorous deeds.

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Lord Vishnu, the Preserver in Hinduism, embodies cosmic harmony and righteousness, safeguarding the universe through divine protection and benevolent guidance.

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Lord Shiva, the cosmic dancer and embodiment of creation and destruction, signifies divine harmony through his tranquil yet powerful presence, guiding souls towards spiritual enlightenment and eternal liberation.

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Lord Murugan, revered as the god of war and victory, epitomizes courage, wisdom, and spiritual strength, embodying the pursuit of knowledge and the triumph of good over evil.

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